Treasure Tales of the Rockies

Non-Fiction by Perry Eberhart  treasure-tales

A whopping collection of tales about lost mines and buried treasure to stir the blood of any adventurous spirit and to satisfy the most lively imagination. Treasure Tales not only tells the original story of a lost mine or a buried treasure, but also fills in pieces of the puzzle as they have come to light over the years.  Many tales become more and more intriguing – but still remain a puzzle.  In some cases, the puzzle is solved, often accidentally. Eberhart also collects fascinating tales of lost treasures found.

43 maps by Sandy and 48 well-chosen photographs round out Treasure Tales. This is a book for both armchair excitement and for the adventurer who wants to search out what nature, time, and man’s ingenuity have hidden from us – and what nature, time and man’s ingenuity also often help us find.  Good luck!

Sage Books (1961/1969)

Now published by Swallow Press/Ohio University Press

This book can be found at, fine bookstores and online booksellers.