The shocking and poetic confession of a young man tiptoeing along the elastic borders of sanity, the shadow of suicide chasing his every thought. Fed up with the tragic chaos of the civilized world, he packs his dog, necessary survival supplies, a small arsenal of guns and enough booze to stay drunk for a month, and escapes to the wild and beautiful Paradox Valley in western Colorado.
The book that has emerged from this sojourn is a gritty and irreverent comedy of tragic undertones, full of paradoxes and philosophical horseplay, with a heathy dose of humor and polemic, history, politics and social critique, all wrapped up in a pretty package of high-octane wilderness adventure. After six weeks alone in the desert, heartsick and angry but still laughing, he flees the lunatic wilderness homeward to begin writing.
AuthorHouse (2011)
Available in eBook, hardback and paperback from authorhouse.com and online booksellers.